Tag Archives: Liquid Wolf

One of Sami Sarhamaa’s aliases

It’s hard to believe

It’s over a year from my previous post. My apologies. Let’s see what has happened after “Two” was released…

Liquid Wolf:
We (as in my son Jarno and myself) came upon an idea to make a sort of a scifi-story of travelers thrown to the mercy of rogue AI (way before ChatGPT ;-)) during their travel to their new home planet somewhere in the cosmos. The story starts like this:

“Saso Kitanoski adjusted the sharpened slab of metal strapped to his thigh, tightening the harness that kept the cable spool on his back, and made his way forward in the quiet rumble and bioluminescent glow through the corridors of the engine block.  . 

The route that he took every month came to a larger crossroads, where two arching hallways intersected. With the quiet whir of the spool behind him whispering to a stop, he listened intently to the quiet hum, focusing his ears to their limit, trying to find something out of place. “

This story inspired me and Teijo to dream up a multidimensional LW project that would encompass the short story, music and visuals. While visiting Teijo @ Nurmes in October 2021 I made lyrics based on the story and we made some progress re music. This has been an ongoing project ever since. There’s over 60 minutes of music at various stages of readiness. None is finalised so this will take a while still.


While waiting for The Ark’s story to develop further, I noticed once again that a healthy pile of rock/pop oriented songs were waiting their completion. This time around Teijo was engaged in his funk project so I approached Aki SIhvonen (who mixed misplaced) with the demos and we weeded out and refined the selection to 16 songs. I prepared more polished versions of those during the spring/early summer 2022. Of those demos 12 songs were selected to be made with a plan to drop 2 songs after completion. So I would have 10 strong songs and a nice lenght for an album. Aki helped along the way and Teijo played quite a bit of keyboards. I took care of guitars, basses and basic keys plus of course lead and background vocals. Drums are handled by two very capable musicians, Sami Kuoppamäki and Miri Miettinen. Sami, who has been my go-to drummer for Liquid Wolf and some other projects, plays on 8 songs and Miri, our Lighthouse Sparrows stickman, plays on 4. My very capable assistant, Valtteri Tuominen, helped with recording and editing plus he also sang backing vocals. Ella Eriksson aka ellaella 🙂 put a cherry on top with her lovely voice on backing vocals. The album “Little Things” will be released in August 2023 ( I still don’t know which 2 songs I have to drop…).

Lighthouse Sparrows:

Olli made music for television dramaseries “The Invincibles” so all his creative juice was spent there for quite a while. We of course had some demo bits and pieces that we made during this time but new music was on hold until around February 2023. We then started to go thru the demos and make some new stuff. As of today we have 6-7 songs in decent shape. We’re planning to have a 4-5 song EP ready to be released some time in the fall.


Quite a bit of mixing done.
• Helsinki Syndrome (TV series, 8 episodes)
• The Invincibles (TV series, 8 episodes)
• Reindeer Mafia (TV series, 8 episodes)
• Dance Brothers (Netflix series, 10 episodes)
• Siblings (Feature)
• The Twin (Feature)
• What Remains (Feature)

Liquid Wolf resurrecting

Yes, after a prolonged hiatus (been busy on all other fronts…) I managed to round up the guys and we did a song called “Plight”. It’s out on this friday from all mojor streaming platforms. This time around Miri Miettinen sat on the drum stool, but otherwise the line-up is the same: Me on guitars, some keys, some basses and background vocals, Teijo on lead vocals and lead keys, Samu on bass, Pepa on wind instruments and Pekka on vibes. Hope You enjoy it!

Into the groove

After the first real summer holiday in 10 years, settling back into work routines wasn’t that easy. I decided to do “make work” first. So in the last week of my holiday, I sat down every morning and made a song. I managed to compose 6 songs in as many days. They should serve as a nice launch pad for the next SSTB project. Speaking of which: the “blacks & blues” is ready, I just need to make the ddp compilation and off it goes. Here’s the final front cover:









Once the groove was found, real work was in order: The mixing of “Requiem” with Ville Katajala and the recording and editing of “Lomasankarit” foleys with Kimmo Vänttinen. In betweens we managed to go through the demos for Liquid Wolf 2 with Samu, I also began to take them one step further by adding and refining. We should have the skeletons of songs in a few months…

August, work…

Yes, it’s been hot, but what the heck, it’s summer! The autumns work starts by recording some foleys with Kimmo Vänttinen for Lomasankarit. We also made plans with Samu to start going thru the Liquid Wolf -material for the second album. I have maybe an hours worth of demos which should yield maybe 20 minutes usable material. The SSTB album is making it’s second round of mixing/mastering, I checked the songs after the first round and found a few
😉 things to correct. Pauli said he would master it next week, Tomi made also some promises re: the cover for next week. The album will be called “Blacks & blues”. SSTB will be released ASAP, so I’d guess by the mid september…
Chapter One : Two seems to be delayed somewhat since we’re planning to record some new stuff for it and the guys aren’t the most dynamic…

Added some nice reviews of Liquid Wolf “First Light” to the LW section.

And yes, we’re slowly getting the FlipSide “ep#2” material into shape.

Have a good one!

Now playing: “For Nothing” (O.S.I)